samedi 24 octobre 2009

Elira's birthday

I had told Nixon to take the pic as Elira
was blowin out the candes. As you can see, he missed it. LOL

The boys sang the funniest birthday song.

This is the pose Elira wanted. I really didn't get it.

I told Elira to hold the cake so carefully,
you can tell he is being so careful. so funny.

Ah yes, the one sock.

Elira's birthday was on Thursday of last week, October 22nd. We celebrated on Wednesday since I was going to spend the day with a good friend of mine. Anyway, since it was a surprise that we were celebrating on Wednesday instead of Thursday, there weren't any fancy church shoes marching up the stairs. (However, Elira was wearing one sock!?&%!)

We celebrated with cake and soda. Again, the boys loved the cake. It is so funny to see how they get a kick out of them. Elira said he just made a goal on the cake and the other boys, including Nixon, loved the ball. It was a good evening. The boys got to watch a little tv even though it was the middle of the week and they went down to bed with plenty of time before lights out.

Elira is turning into such a handsome boy and he has quite a personality. He is our joker and the boy that seems to get into trouble the most. I was cutting out some crafts for the junior church kids about a week ago, using egg cartons. Elira watched for a few minutes and then asked if I could have one of the egg carton lids and some yarn. He proceeded to make himself a cross between a mask and glasses. He sat with the boys, quite seriously, and watched a movie with them. It was hilarious. I tried to get a picture but he had decided to take his egg carton goggles off at that exact moment. Darn.
Anyway, Nixon and I pray that it would be a good year for Elira. We pray he would grow in wisdom and that his energy would be used in a positive way.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 commentaire:

  1. I am sorry I didn't know it was his birthday while I was there! Sounds like you made it pretty special for him!
